I'm gone folks.

Discussion in 'Leave of Absence' started by SpecterLance, Dec 17, 2012.


Do you really think I was a dick? Be honest.

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Borderline asshole and nice guy.

  1. SpecterLance

    SpecterLance Guest

    Figures, me posting this in HH history. How ironic. I am leaving the clan. I have had great times. Fun times. But ultimately, I have been a complete asshole to all of you guys. I think it would be better if I was gone. Having had a strange connection with a video game character, Agent 47, I realized I really never belonged. Never too good at something, or never too bad. Except for 47, he is the best in his profession. Me? Well, I'm actually 18, yeah, I lied to a few of you. For that, I am sorry, but I feel that it would be best to try and make my mark somewhere else in the world. It won't be here. MeIsMyName? Thanks for having me here, and I'm sorry for being an asshole towards you. Floof? I apologize for being a dick. 1027Christian, be yourself, and I'm sorry for being a dick too. Meno Jr.? Work, bro, work, try your best at school, and I'm sorry for being mean to you. Tyler? You mah burrr, you ratchet as f*ck, and I wouldn't chose anyone else to twerk with, and going ham since we met, but I'm sorry because I was dick to you too. The list can goes on, I'm sorry to all the people I have been a complete jerk to. I have had some of the best times in my life here in this clan. You guys are by far, some of the kindest people to me. I don't deserve this treatment. From the laughs we shared, to the great trolling we had, I haven't regretted a bit of the time I have spent here. Anyways, long story short, I restate that it would be better if I was gone. I was always a lone wolf. I never fit in, and until I find the place where I can, I'll be gone folks. I'm heading in a new direction. It's the beginning of the beginning for me. Where will you end up? But for me? To the shadows, I go.

    (P.S. Thanks Menomon, for being a second father figure, and I can happily inform you, my parents and I are functioning at 70% now, compared to the 20% before, because of your advice. I thank you.)
  2. Joker6Actual

    Joker6Actual Leadership

    Dude, You don't need to go, we ALL think you are a really cool brother, I can't force you to stay, but if it was up to me, I would not let you leave.
  3. DarthJahona

    DarthJahona HH Member

    I'm not sure exactly why your leaving besides you feel you were a dick to most people.... I took that as you being you. It got annoying but it never bothered me.
    I'm sure I'll still see you around in game from time to time. If you change your mind I'm sure HH will leave a light on for you.
  4. Tyler

    Tyler Friend

    DON'T GO!!!

    Delete this post, put ur f*cking tags back on, and keep playing!
    Joker6Actual likes this.
  5. MP855

    MP855 HH Member

    Specter get yer ass back here!
    Joker6Actual likes this.
  6. menomon

    menomon HH Member

    Wow I just noticed this post. A little late huh, I'm glad I helped with your parents.
  7. Tyler

    Tyler Friend

  8. Tyler

    Tyler Friend

  9. Joker6Actual

    Joker6Actual Leadership
